Jeane Dixon's Prophecy to the Philippines

Jeane L. Dixon was one of the best-known American astrologers and psychics of the 20th century, due to her syndicated newspaper astrology column, some well-publicized predictions, and a best-selling biography. She once predicted the assassination of a US President on his second term, but the president she was talking about is not named. She said, assassinated or die in office though not necessarily in his first term.. It was written in Parade Magazine on May 13, 1956. Then, Pres. John F. Kennedy was killed, and her forecast was fulfilled.[1]

That's a short introduction about Jeane Dixon before we proceed to the main subject.


[Taken from Internet:]

With a little over 2 weeks 2 go b4 d may elections,
remember wat d famous psychic Jean Dixon predctd in
Nov. of 1983 just after d assassination of Ninoy Aquino..
She said " d widow of Sen. Aquino will become president.
And even one of his children will someday become president
bt will be cheated by a woman & a very rich man..
which will usher n d most corrupt era in Philippine history."[2]
With a little over two (2) weeks to go before the May elections,
remember what the famous psychic Jean Dixon predicted in
November of 1983 just after the assassination of Ninoy Aquino..
She said "The widow of Sen. Aquino (Ninoy) will become president.
And even one of his children will someday become president.
but will be cheated by a woman & a very rich man..
which will usher in the most corrupt era in Philippine History."
Some other version tells...
and even one of his children will someday try to run for president but will be defeated by his own relative
instead saying only one of his children will be president.

The above article was a copy of a text message circulating in public. Actually, I have not received the message yet. When I first read this, I became curious if it was actually true or not, or if Jeane Dixon really predicted it. Well, the answer to my question probably affirmative, Jeane Dixon may had forecast it. I was unsure to my conclusion, because I can't find a reliable source that she actually had predicted it. I was born almost 15 years after the time of Marcos-Aquino conflict. So I definitely don't know her and her prophecies.

Anyway, some of her predictions came true:
  • The widow of Sen. Aquino (Ninoy) will become president.
    And it happened! Corazon Aquino became the 11th president of the Republic of the Philippines. From February 25, 1986 – June 30, 1992.

  • And even one of his children will someday become president.
    And it happened again! Benigno Aquino III, their only son, became the 15th president.

  • But will be defeated by his own relative
    It was told in other version, but it was not realized.
  • The other predictions are still pending to happen.
    ...but will be cheated by a woman & a very rich man.... which will usher in the most corrupt era in Philippine History.
    On that quote, many Filipinos were feared, especially her other predictions came true. However, there are still more people hopeful that everything will be okay on his (PNoy) term. Even though, I don't fully believe on it, I still cannot conclude it's impossibility. Only time can tell.

    On the other hand, I am still searching for updates on what is going on to PNoy - if everything are happening according to her prophecy.

    Possibilities for fulfillment

    According to a account, the betraying woman might be the previous president of the Philippines before PNoy - Cong. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the second district of Pampanga. And the very rich man might be Sen. Manny Villar. He tried to run to presidency but was lost against Noynoy Aquino.[3] He posted this last May 11, 2010, but his speculation still not come true. So the two probably are not the persons Dixon was talking about. Well, there's still one year of Villar's term in the senate.

    Based on some speculation, the woman was Shalani Soledad, Dinky Soliman, and Miriam Santiago; and the man is a Cojuanco - Noynoy's relative in her maternal side.

    By the way, before I end this article. Jeane Dixon once predicted the World War III which would had started 1958 over some offshore Chinese Islands, that labor leader Walter Reuther would run for president in 1964, and that the Russians would land the first man on the moon. But all had not happened. So we still have a hope that the last prophecy will not be realized. (I wish!)

    First Update

    I will update this once everything had passed or if everything was fulfilled. That's what I said last July 20, 2012 (Friday). It's been a year and a half since the last time I posted this article here. Now, I think, its time for the first update.

    One of our readers, opened a possibility that the cheating woman and the very rich man (or could be 'men') are those personalities involved in the PDAF Scam.

    PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund; or commonly known as Pork Barrel) is a discretionary fund in the Philippines available to legislators to support and/or finance a small-scale infrastructure and community project they wanted to help.

    Janet Lim-Napoles (or Janet "Jenny" Luy Lim-Napoles) is a businesswoman who was the alleged mastermind of the PDAF Scam.

    Back in 1993, she was said to invest in a supposed shipyard in Cebu, which promises a 5% interest on all investments. But according to Col. Ariel Querubin, the money was not invested in the said shipyard. It was actually invested in someone else, pocketing the interest. Even though the investment was recovered, Querubin claimed that the death of his wife was caused of it.[4]

    In 2001, she and her husband, Jaime G. Napoles, were associated in the acquisition of Php 3.8 Million worth of substandard Kevlar helmets by the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Then, the Sandiganbayan charged them with graft and malversation. But she was acquited because of lack of evidence.[4]

    Just this year, her JLN Corporation was discovered to pay a significantly less tax since 2009. It is less than that of the average school teacher tax. AND the PDAF Scam rose with her name as the main character of the story.[4]

    PDAF Scam (or Pork Barrel Scam) is the most popular political scandal for the year 2013. Janet Lim-Napoles and some Legislators (Senators and Representatives) are involved in the said drama. I don't really know how to start discussing the story of the PDAF Scam. But the heart of the said scam focuses on the ghost projects created by the leading lady and funded through the use of PDAF of the legislators.

    According to testimony provided by Benhur Luy's brother, Arthur, funds would be processed through fake foundations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) established under the wing of the JLN Group of Companies, the holding company of Janet Lim-Napoles, with Napoles' employees—even a nanny—named as incorporators or directors. Each foundation or NGO served as an official recipient of a particular legislator's PDAF funds, and each organization had a number of bank accounts where PDAF funds would be deposited for the implementation of these projects.[5]

    To make the story short, the JLN Group of Companies offered a commission of 10-15% against funds released to local government units and recipient agencies of PDAF funds, while a legislator would receive a commission of between 40-50% against the total value of his/her PDAF.[5]

    28 Legislators are believed to be involved in the said scam - 5 from senators and 23 from representatives. Of those Senators, 3 became the leading men, and these men are very rich men (not 'man').

    The scam resulted to the Million People March which aims to call for abolition of Priority Development Assistance Fund. It was so-called because the number of people who joined aggregately in the rally is literally a million. Filipinos were united in the third time for a change in the government (after EDSA 1 and EDSA 2). The call for unity circulated in Social Networking Sites (particularly Facebook and Twitter). The march was held on August 26, 2013 at Luneta Park in Manila, as well as other cities nationwide and overseas.

    Well, I can consider that this is the most corrupt era in the history of the Philippines, as of now.

    Last updated: November 18, 2013
    (Posted: November 25, 2013)

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