It was my good friend , Red, who pointed it out to me. At first I was "No way! It can't be!". I mean there has to be something wrong. How SPOON LAGOON got an instant Page Rank of 3 after just 2 months in the blogscene is a mystery to me. It is so freakin' hard to get a PR 1 in 2 months but I actually got a three. I've checked it out on oh so many sites but they all say the same. Spoon Lagoon has a PR of 3!?! In case you are wondering if i resorted to any page rank increasing gimmicks, no I didn't. I'm thinking there must have been something wrong with the Google systems or something like that. Paging GOOGLE! Please don't take it back! Please don't. Pleaaaaaseeeee!!!!
Another thing. Thank you all for noticing my new template. It was an unscheduled renovation of my site. The RSS image of my previous template was messed up (NOT BY ME!) by photobucket. Since this was not the second time my previous template messed up, I decided to make the big switch. More organized,yes! But the problem is I'm having a hard time putting other codes I wanted (i.e. blogomus). Oh well, I'll figure it out next time.
Oh yeah, could you please pray for me?!? I would be seating for an exam this sunday. Notice the "no room for mistake" post? That was what I was referring to. I can't discuss any further details about it because I don't wanna jinx this opportunity. I badly need it. So guys, can I count on you?